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A Look Back In Time: 17 Fibs Customers Tell Car Dealers

Written By: Jerry Reynolds | Sep 30, 2021 11:04:51 AM

I told the story on the CarProUSA radio show last week about my days of training new car salespeople.  I warned them not to get depressed when a customer told you right off the bat “I’m not buying today.”  I explained this was good news because 99% of people who buy say that.

I ran across an article I had put in our newsletter from back some years that was written by a car salesperson.

From my days of selling cars myself, I have to say, I’ve been told the majority of these things, and by golly, the writer was largely correct.  Let’s just hope today that transparency on both sides prevails.

Read Top 17 Fibs Told By Car Buyers 

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